Saturday 11 May 2013

Small Town America Task

Feldberg are one of Small Town America's most successful bands, they have won several icelandic music awards as well as one of the singles being chosen for the Brazilian version of 'Neighbours'. Feldberg consist of two performers, Rosa Birgitta Isfeld and multi-unstrumentalist Einar Tonsberg. 

The pair released their debut album, Don't Be a Stranger, in Iceland in 2009 via Cod Music The album was subsequently released by Rallye Label in Japan in 2010, and by SmallTown Americe Records in the United Kingdom and Ireland in 2011. They released their first digital single, "I'm Not Thinking of You", via Smalltown America Records on 13 December 2010. That same month, they played a series of concerts in New York City in small venues such as The Living Room, Union Hall with Leaves drummer Nói Steinn Einarsson playing alongside them.

Feldberg have made a claim for themselves over the past 5 years. Producing very relaxed and downbeat  acoustic singles, with an electric feel to them. There album 'Don't be a Stranger' is there most recent and consists of a real electric feel with such things as Rosa's voice being given a reverb feel to it in the first verse, and then Einar's in the 2nd verse in the song 'Sleepy'. Almost giving it that lullaby feeling, which would represent the  dreaming relationship to sleeping. Also by using the keys as an almost main instrument, it also gives it that electric feel.

There album artwork is very plain but effective, for instance they don't really have a distinguishable emblem or picture unlike And so I Watch you From Afar (Another of Small Town America's bands). Their album 'Don't be a Stranger' uses simple artwork of two people talking on the phone showing there split personalities. Also by including the difference in electrical appliances could indicate that they are trying to emphasise this feeling that they are an electrical band.

There videos are also very very simplistic, for example the single 'Don't be a Stranger' is a collection of photos all ran in a sequence, as it shows the two perspectives of either singer. The transitions between the photos are also paced to the music, obviously this is explanatory, faced paced music means the pictures transitions are quicker, slow paced the transitions are slow, this is possibly to represent the mixed emotions and how quickly peoples minds change when 'in love'. 

The single 'Dreamin' has a music video not consisting of Feldberg but actors, this is unusual as all other videos are the two singers acting, possibly they were trying for a new look. All the actors bar one are in the bright, white light of day, it could represent the point of peace and tranquility, both while sleeping, and dreaming about their 'love'. They have actors sleeping and lip syncing the words, they use many pan shots which could indicate that time is passing by, showing the long length of there so called 'sleep'. Also the use of zoom outs, shows that they are coming out of there humanly state and going to the state in their mind and hearts, dreaming of the ones they love. 

Again the band doesn't have a worldwide icon, i believe they are very simple and are good at using the resources they have, they don't break the bank when making their videos. Also i think fans appreciate it, they just have really simple ideas, which work very well with there music, most electric bands would have flashing lights and big stages to show there big electric sound, but there simplistic ways suit the music perfectly. 

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