Saturday 11 May 2013

Beginning FCPX Task

The artist in which i have researched is Feldberg. As in my previous post, Feldberg are an icelandic electro pop group with a down too beat style. A band i found that has similar musical style to Feldberg is Dikta. Dikta too are also an icelandic electro pop group, which consists of 4 members. I believe their song 'Goodbye' has the same electro relaxed feel as Feldberg also has. Below is the video post to the song 'Goodbye'.

Compared to Feldbergs videos, Dikta push the bounderies of normality in there videos, this video being an animated story, which compliments the words of the songs. Whereas Feldbergs videos complimate the songs story, this is very different in what way it is done, they use various different shots. Its also different to Feldbergs style of videos, as Feldberg work on a low budget, for instance there song, 'Don't be a stranger to me' was just a running sequence of photos, also there video 'Dreamin' was just actors lip syncing the words. This though, is a full software based video which would need professionals who are trained in graphics too create it.

They use high angled on such shots as the 'broken bird' and also on the dark characted who dies at the start, this means although an animated video they are keeping to the shot laws, these shots would represent that these subjects are 'lesser' than the main subject and are what society view as gone, as they are represented as dead. But they then use the low angled shot on the bird flying away to show that there is new life, and that he is one with the world again.

They use alot of jump cuts to show the chracters progession and struggle on the moral of the story 'im afraid of letting go'. These cuts represent the length of hiw lofe and how life goes on, all the things in the past must be cut out of the characters life, and there will be the moments were they remeber the moments, but these are just merly mile stones and mus be forgot about.

I think the colour they use, this calming yellow, effects the way in which the viewers watch the video, they have added the yellow i believe as it gives a relaxed but worrying nature on the video. It gives it the more professional feel. I believe trying to achieve this type of video on Final Cut Pro X would be very hard to achieve, you would have to use other professional cartoon creating and animated editing products to achieve this, but it gives it a brilliant professional feeling i believe. It gives me ideas though that you can use on real videos. For instance, the opening establishing shot under the tree with the zoom out, i believe that shot could be used for a song with a relaxing, cool summer evening feeling to it, so although animated, it gives one ideas for a video. Also the whole reverse story behind the song, how it is actually his life he is looking at in the cahracter who dies.

Although animated i believe it gives a real sense of realism, the character isnt 100% peiced together and you can see through them, but it still gives the idea that this is real people. I believe a full animated video would be far too difficult to peice together, but this gives me idea on maybe making a section animated, and shows the best way into how to do it.

Above is the video of Feldbergs 'Dont be a stranger' this is a simple but very professional looking video. By using a sequence of photographs it gives the viewer the idea of peicing the video together. I think this is very well done, and tells the story very well, by using such things on the photos as vignette at times and also by using many different shots it is a realistic video that can be achieved.

Above are two very different videos for similar artists and have both different ideas on how to make a video of a high and low budget look very professional.

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