Sunday 12 May 2013


1)In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? 
Our music video 'Ill Wind' certainly uses develops and challenges the real conventions of real media products. 
We use a lot of real media conventions throughout our piece, for instance, by the mise en scene of each character. We have stereotypically used the costume in which society would generally associate with each of our characters. For instance as it is a dark eerie music video, we believe that using a dark eerie mise en scene throughout is essential. We do this in our costume of the 'ritual leader' by having him completely dressed in black with just a visual white face.
As i previously said our video is a dark, eerie meaning behind it 'Ill Wind represents the gust of misfortune blowing through you life, it is symbolic of all the downs your have, and it is always the pain and hurtful memories that are so vivid in your minds' this is the direct quote meaning from the band 'Our Krypton Son'. therefore by using such things as dark effects and adding a 'cinematic' look to the video therefore allowing us to develop the conventions of real media products. 
We also challenge the conventions of real media products by introducing such things as time lapse between each character. Most conventions would relate around the same century, and by having an upbeat song and using an 'ancient' character it completely clashes with the music. The music which would most likely relate to this century would be choral gregorian chants and so on.
We also challenged the conventions of real media products by using a dark, eerie video to this right upbeat song. For instance you wouldn't put 'ba ba black sheep' to the video of a band such a slipknot, but after looking into the true meaning of the song, we depicted that the song had this despairing lyrical message.
2)How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts? 
I believe that our main product and our ancillary texts were very effective. We kept with the same spiritual explanation throughout all of our final products. And we also kept everything dark coloured and downhearted. For instance our digipack, the whole backdrop of it is black and then we added dark edited photos over the top. These photos consisted of myself with a kind of zombie mutation to it with half a head, this was done on photoshop very easily. Also the same was done to Jonathan on the opposite side of the digipack. Throughout all the products we also created the same text, this kind of scary 1920's carnival text, which adds effect to the creepiness of the overall products. Also throughout the products we introduced the idea of tarot cards. On our front cover, we used a bunch of tarot cards that we scanned into the mac. We played around with he opacity and made a collage of them all. We also introduced these into the actual video product, during the flashback scenes. Having them jumping around and popping up over the screen. We believe that this represents the association with death and also to the overall pain to the products.
Also with our website we kept to the dark, bland colours, and also the band photos we added to the website had to be put into black and white, so this again i relating to the development of real media conventions. We believe these tones used were very effective in creating an overall downhearted tone to the piece. 
With the video we believe that the overall video was effective. But the downfall of it i believe was the fact that the song was so upbeat, yet the meaning of the song was so downhearted and dark. To some viewers i believe this wont be effective and could be very confusing, but i think we have tried our hardest to really make poignant the idea behind the lyrics.
3)What have you learned from your audience feedback? 
The overall audience feedback has been really positive in my opinion. We set up a Facebook page asking people to watch the video and comment on any feedback they had, whether good or bad. But the overall vibe of the comments seems to be very positive. We had a few problems such as people didn't realise the spirit entering the box at the start of the video, therefore they were unsure to as what was in this box. This is something we should have tried to get audience feedback on before the making of the video, we could have possibly made a short sample/teaser video and asked for audience feedback on this to see if they could piece together what is going on the box. 
It also seems that people have had to watch the video at least twice over to get the understanding of the video as it is such a dark meaning, but it seems when people listen to the lyrics it all pieces together.
Other things that we have been told to work on is to make the opening scene more sinister. We could have possibly have done things such as a large ritual scene with maybe 5 or 6 more characters taking the spirit out of a person or possibly an animal. But due to our zero budget on this piece we found that very difficult to do, even though we thought about doing it. But trying to find things such as costume on a large scale would have been very difficult. 
4)How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Well as all great products start off we needed to come up with an idea, therefore we used the internet to search such things as 'how to make a music video' and also used youtube to do research into similar bands video styles. Our main technological device was our Apple Macs. The whole product was created on this, from research into our band, to creating our logo, to adding the final effects on our music video. Without these we would have been lost. Throughout all the productions we used two different types of macs, every student had laptops to do individual work on, as well as having a desktop to create our music video on, as the memory is a lot bigger so it allows for more footage to be placed onto it without it running slow!
Last year we used IMovie, a built it product that comes with apple products, but this year we learnt how to use Final Cut Pro X. This software is a lot more prominent and advanced than IMovie, which was needed this years, as it allowed us to push the boundaries of what we were able to do, for instance it allowed us to introduce the idea of a 'soul sucker' to take the spirit out of the body at the start of the video. I personally had succeeded to do this on another software Motion 5, but the problem i then faced was trying to import the right sized clip back into Final Cut, therefore, Ryan had found a way to create the soul sucker on Final Cut from the plug in i had created! We also used Final Cut Pro to create our anamatics and uploaded these to our youtube page! Also using such social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to promote our product, as well as using blogger to create our evaluations throughout the year.
I also used Photoshop when it came to design the digipack. I found it very difficult to use this at first because i had never really looked at the programme before, but by using such websites as Youtube and Vevo to search tutorials i actually found using Photoshop very easy. It was very frustrating at certain times, for instance when you want to move something you have to select the layer, and also trying to get the resolution right, but i believe our digipack truned out very well in the end. To cut things out i would use the pen tool, then make selection then use layering to get the perfect cut each time, which took a lot of work, believe it our not.
For the likes of the filming we used great spec Samsung HD cameras, which were absolutely fantastic, the difference in quality between the ones we used last year was outstanding. You could perform such things as touch focus, manual focus, as well as use focus pulls and blur the image out of focus if you liked. As well as this we used such things as scanners and printers for creating digipacks and so on. 
I believe we used a very large variety of technological devices when creating out piece which helped our final product be so successful. 

Saturday 11 May 2013

Final Product

Well after six months of hard work between research, planning, conversations with the band, changing adds we have got our finished product! Hope you enjoy!
NB make sure to change quality to HD, we had to use proxy on Final Cut!

Completed Digipack

For our DigiPack we wanted to keep in line with the dark image we had throughout our video. Therefore we questioned different ideas, such as a large photo collage, and also by having just the box as the centre of attention. But we decided on the idea below, a dark feeling but keeping it simplistic, yet effective.

Front cover:

First Centre page:

Fold out Page:

Second Centre (CD) page:

Third Centre Page:

Back Page:
Overall View:

Digipack development

I started our digipack today and have started to put together some really great feature I believe, I used photos in which I scanned in, as well as using screen shots from the actual footage of our video. We came up with another a font for our whole ancillaries today as well, and decided were going to keep our ancillaries dark and eerie in coalition  with out video. Just some progress pictures on digipack.




Success in Filming

We just finished all filming, GREAT SUCCESS

Shooting Scripts

These are the groups planned shooting scripts for the next week or so....
Ill Wind - OKS Day 1 - Shot(s) 1.35

Scene - Indoors 70s
Date - Wed 13 March 2013
Location - 70's style living room (INDOORS) - Crumlin
Actor(s) - Joel McBrien
Costume - Green shirt (buttoned), Trench Coat, Trousers, Socks, Sandals, Large Rounded Glasses, Black Contact Lenses, Hair combed to viewers left - Gel
Props - Old 70's styled box television, flowers in vase, sofa cover, BOX- placed on actors knee, Green Paper, Blue tac, Duct Tape Marker
Lighting - Builder light, Reflector
Shot list - Tilt shot running up actors body (face hypnotised)
+Panned shot of him twitching and spinning
+Close Up of actors face (normal) & Close up of actors face (twitching and spinning)
+Over the shoulder of actor - sofa can be seen, One with static Tv & One with OKS on tv.
+High Angle of box on knee
+Low Angle focus pull of box then Actors hypnotised face.
+Close up on Tv with OKS playing

Ill Wind - OKS Day 2 - Shot(s) 1.6 - 1.12, 1.14 - 1.21, 1.36 - 1.39

Date - Mon 18th March 2013
Location - Crumlin Glen (OUTDOORS)
Actor(s) - Joel McBrien, Jonathan Fitzsimmons,
Costume - Joel McBrien - Wife Beater (White), Trousers, Socks, Sandals, Large Rounded Glasses, Black Contact Lenses. Jonathan Fitzimmons - Medieval Costume - Green Jumper, Brown Trousers, Brown Leather Shoes, Brown Belt.
Props - BOX, shovel, Large White Sheet, Bow & Arrow, Tape, Marker, Black Lenses x3,
Shot List - Tilt shot running up actors body (face hypnotised)
+Panned shot of him twitching and spinning
+Close Up of actors face (normal) & Close up of actors face (twitching and spinning)
+Over the shoulder of actor - sofa can be seen, One with static Tv & One with OKS on tv.
+High Angle of box on knee
+Low Angle focus pull of box then Actors hypnotised face.
+Long Shot of forest walking, and long shot of box thrown into the water.

Ill Wind - OKS Day 3 - Shot(s)

Scene - Opening ritual
Date - Wed 20th March 2013
Location - Beach (Crumlin Outback) (OUTDOORS)
Actor(s) - Ryan Cairnes
Costume - Dark cloaks. Ring leader wrapped in cloth, white altered mask.
Props - BOX, Tape, Marker, Torches, LED lights x 2, Black lense
Shot List - Opening shot of fire, Fire exploding, long shot
+Wide pan shot of ritual group
+Close up on ring leaders eyes, black
+Mid shot focus on ring leaders chest as he puts his hand over it
+Low angle shot of box as ring leader places the light into it
+Shot from in front of the ring leader, box the main focus as it is closed
+Low angle of fire and actor

Ill Wind - OKS Day 4 - Shot(s)

Date - Sat 23rd March
Location - Beach (Crumlin Outback)  (OUTDOORS)
Actor(s) - Ryan Cairnes, Joel McBrien
Costume - Joel McBrien - Green shirt (buttoned), Trench Coat, Trousers, Socks, Sandals, Large Rounded Glasses, Black Contact Lenses, Hair combed to viewers left - Gel. Ryan Cairnes - Fisher Iron Jumper, Dark Trousers, High Shoes, Fisherman Hat
Props - Box, Bucket, Fishing Line, Tape, Shovel
Shot List - Long Shot of Joel Walking along beach
+Over the shoulder of box
+Jump back Wide
+Rule of Thirds
+High Angle
+Canted onto Dark Eyes
+Long Shot of Fiherman
+Close up
+Wide Shot
+Long shot of Box in water
+Point of View

Box Idea - Success

We sent these evaluated ideas of to Our Krypton Son and he got back to us saying this idea was perfect and is what he was looking for!

Establishing shot's- Opening shot of a Celtic pagan ritual of ring leader taking spirits/memories out of his body and placing them in the box. The ring leader is covered in dirt and grime, his hair is grey and his hands are wrapped in cloth. This will be filmed on a beach in dusk/night time. The scene will be lit by torches which will be in shot, there will be 7/8 people crowding around a central fire and a stone altar. The people will be wearing black cloaks and you will never see their faces, the only face that is seen is the ring leader. After the ritual is complete the ringleader buries the box in the forest.

The music starts- There is a shot of a hunter from olden times, close up on his eyes, he is hunting with a bow and his dog is running with him. He is dressed in old green cloth. Dirt lines his face and he is skinny, as if he never has enough to eat. The dog sniffs out something in the ground, the hunter investigates and digs up the box. When he opens it there is a close up of his pupils dilating and a glow from the box. This is when the chorus of memories will kick in. This will act as a sound motif as every time it is heard the character with the box will appear to have a terrifying vision. He then begins to go crazy, eyes turn black (using black contact lenses) and we can do several close ups, hands tightening on his bow, vicious teeth, a close up of his eyes and the bridge of his nose as he takes deep breaths. His head begins to move frantically from side to side and there are flashes all around him, his head moves as if he is trying to follow the flashes. He grabs his head and falls to his knees, the flashes continue. Jump cut to the hunter just lying in the dirt, eyes closed. He looks like he has been there for a while. He opens his eyes, they have returned to normal. Cut to the box, out of focus, the hunter in the background in focus, he sees the box, focus pull onto the box. Cut and the hunter is throwing the box into the sea. Long, wide shot, blurry, the hunter is just a silhouette, a shadow of his former self almost.

The next shot we see is of an older style fisher man. Close up on his eyes. He is dressed in a thick woollen jumper and a woollen hat. He is pulling in a net from over the side of a rock wall. Cut to him going through the contents of the net. He comes across the box. Wipes seaweed off of it. He slowly lifts the lid open and takes a peek inside. The same glow as before. His hands fly to his eyes, he covers them with the palms of his hands. When he pulls them away to scream silently, we can see that his eyes have changed too. He falls onto his back from his kneeling position and passes out. Cut to him carrying the box wrapped in old cloth along the beach. He digs a hole in the sand with his hands and buries the box.

The next shot is of a 70's young man on a beach with a metal detector. Close up on his eyes. He finds the buried box and opens it but this time there is a different effect of the spirit entering his body from the box, similar to that from the start when it was originally put into the box. Shot of him at home in dark room nothing but the tv for light as video of OKS is on the tv, he sits lifeless in the chair. Next shot he is going into the woods with a shovel and digs a big hole and climbs in. He then lies down with the box. It is now that we see that his eyes have also changed. The camera then changes to a shot of the original ring leader standing over the grave filling it in. The song ends as there is a shot from the man in the graves view of the dirt covering him over.

Hope this is enough to give you a good idea of how we want this video to go and what we are trying to do.